Dental Implants Forty Fort


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IV Sedation
Forty Fort, PA

Intravenous conscious sedation (AKA IV Sedation) is a very popular method of sedation that we at Dr. Musto Periodontics & Dental Implants offer our patients. IV sedation is extremely popular among patients who have a strong dislike of dental work, because it allows them to avoid anxiety and feel completely at ease while having work done.

What Does it Do?

IV sedation puts you in a relaxed state of mind but does not put you to sleep. You will remain awake and be able to respond to any requests the doctor may have while you are sedated. Patients often experience partial or total amnesia for the full period of sedation. That is to say, you will not remember most of (or sometimes all of) the procedure. Meanwhile the drugs we use will give you a very pleasant feeling of euphoria.

You will be aware of what is happening while it is happening. You will feel at ease with what is happening. You will be able to respond to our requests during the procedure—all this and you won’t remember a thing!

Sedation at Dr. Musto Periodontics & Dental Implants

How Does it Work?

We do not use narcotics in our IV sedation. Instead we use drugs from the benzodiazepine family. Benzodiazepines work by suppressing anxiety-inducing effects in the brain. They do nothing to prevent pain which is why we will always use a local anesthetic during any procedure which might be uncomfortable.

Is it Safe?

We at Dr. Musto Periodontics & Dental Implants only use sedation techniques that have been approved by the American Dental Association. To ensure your safety we will go over your medical history and request a list of medications that you are taking.

The application of the IV is the easiest part, just a small prick around the wrist and in no time the effects of the drug will kick in. You will feel calm and before you know it the procedure will be over. You may remember snippets of the procedure but probably not much. We encourage you to bring a friend or family member with you to any appointment in which you will receive IV sedation to ensure a safe return home.

The end result is a worry-free visit to our office. We care about your comfort and want you to give us a call at (570) 283-3611 with any questions you may have regarding IV sedation.

Let's Chat.


We’re always happy to help. If you have any questions about your upcoming appointment or about any of our services, please feel free to call or email us.

Contact Us


Forty Fort, PA
(570) 283-3611
920 Wyoming Ave
Suite 203
Forty Fort, PA 18704
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Intravenous Sedation Forty Fort PA | Dr Musto Implants
Intravenous conscious sedation (AKA IV Sedation) is a very popular method of sedation that we at Dr. Musto Periodontics & Dental Implants offer our patients.
Dr. Musto Periodontics & Dental Implants, 920 Wyoming Ave, Suite 203, Forty Fort, PA 18704 - (570) 283-3611 - - 8/16/2024 - Page Phrases: Dental Implants Forty Fort PA -